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Payment Declined? Please Read


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Not following this guide may result in a temporary charge from your bank. Don't be alarmed, as this charge will be refunded within

1 to 3 business days, but it can take up to 10 business days. If this happens, please note that the transaction failed.

Credit and Debit Cards:

Your purchase will fail unless all of the following are correct:

  1. Your billing address with Spezz Exchange must be the same as your card's.
    • You can edit your billing address here: https://spezz.exchange/clients/addresses/.
    • If you do not know your billing address, please get in touch with your bank. 
    • Your bank may still have the previous billing address if you recently moved houses.
      • Either use that billing address or contact them to update it!
  2. Verify you have enough funds in your bank account.
  3. You are not on a VPN.

If all the items are correct and you are still declined, please submit a support request at https://spezz.exchange/support/.

Pre-Paid Card (Master and Visa gift cards):

Your purchase will fail unless all of the following are correct:

  1. Your billing address with Spezz Exchange must be the same as your pre-card's. To add a billing address to your pre-paid, do the following:
    1. Flip your pre-paid card over; there should be a website(usually within the top right of the card). 
      1. Vanillagift.com pre-paid cards DO NOT need to do this! When using them, put any address when checking out.
    2. Visit that site and log in with your pre-paid card details. 
    3. On the website, there will be a button for billing addresses.
    4. Enter any valid address and click save.
    5. Finally, edit your billing address here: https://spezz.exchange/clients/addresses/.
  2. Verify you have enough funds in your bank account.
  3. You are not on a VPN.

If all the items are correct and you are still declined, please submit a support request at https://spezz.exchange/support/.

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